Fêtes de juin à Lisbonne

The sardine is more than just a fish in Portugal! It’s a symbol, a companion for festivals and a typical way of life. And of course, a delicious dish

The Lisbon Festas are under the protection of the popular saints: Anthony, John and Peter. From pagan traditions to devotion and culture, there’s something for everyone throughout the month of June. Viva Santo Antonio.

Muro, an urban art festival, with murals, exhibitions and concerts from 20 to 29 October 2023

Manjerico basilique

The basil manjerico is a token of love that is offered at the time of Saint Anthony. It is one of the traditions associated with the festivities in honor of the patron saint of Lisbon and throughout Portugal.

The June festivities in Lisbon are dedicated to the popular saints: Saint Anthony, Saint John and Saint Peter. It’s a time for entertainment, culture and outings with family and friends. The streets and squares are decked out in song and dance for 1 month.

Open doors to Lisbon’s convents. Free visits during 4 days to discover a little known heritage that has contributed to the identity of the city. Open doors to Lisbon’s convents. Free visits during 4 days to discover a little known heritage that has contributed to the identity of the city.

Espiga bouquet of ascension au Portugal

The Espiga bouquet. A beautiful tradition that continues. A symbol of prosperity, intended to celebrate the summer season, Christianity has made the Espiga coincide with the Ascension.

Jacarandas are well acclimatised in Portugal. In Lisbon their lovely blue-violet flowers give a romantic air to the capital. They bloom in May/June


Open House Lisbon is dedicated to architecture for a weekend. Unusual or closed to the public, usually emblematic places to visit for free

The red carnations are the symbol of the democratic revolution of 25 April 1974. The anniversary is marked every year with parades and festivities.